removeFromTile(x, y, frame)
Removes a specific frame from a tile. Useful for example, to create "take item" abilities.
local qiso = require "plugin.qisoengine"
-- Enable the main Qiso loop to render/update our world
-- Remove any floorboard layers that might be on the tapped tile. A strange game admittedly.
function tapTile(event)
-- Get the tile located where the screen was tapped. If there is no tile here, getTile returns nil.
local tile = qiso.getTile(event.x, event.y)
if(tile ~= nil) then
-- 5 is the tileset frame used in our sample map for floorboards.
qiso.removeFromTile(tile.x, tile.y, 5)
-- Do something when the screen is tapped
Runtime:addEventListener('tap', tapTile)